If your database is a single-tenant architecture, you will need to assign your users to their respective tenant. If you assign a user to a tenant, they will be routed to that tenant when they ask Buster questions. So long as each tenant has identical schemas, you can manage all of your tenants from a single data source and assign them to a single project. This is intentional so that you can manage all of your users, dashboard styling, training data, question logs, etc in one place.

How to create a tenant

After onboarding your first tenant and data source template, you can start onboarding other tenants.

Refer to the API documentation for more information on how to create a tenant.

Add users to a tenant

When creating users, you should add them to their associated tenant.

Refer to the API documentation for more information on how to create a user.

This process can be repeated for all of your users and tenants.

Manage tenants in the UI

You can also add and manage tenants within the “Tenant management” tab of your data source.